This wine brings together the best combination of biological and oxidative ageing processes of Jerez, resulting in a true masterpiece. This is an extreme wine in all of its magnitudes but it is fascinating once the palate has adjusted to its demands. It requires patient attention, and we must be mindful of what we are about to face. The beauty of this wine lies in its concentration and purity, of an uncommon intensity, a unique gem, which over the years has reached the limit of what a wine from Jerez can offer.
Limited and numbered production.

Technical specifications
- Average age: 100 years
- Volatile acidity: 2.37 gr/l
- Total acidity: 10.52 gr/l
- Alcohol content: 22%
- Grape variety: Palomino Fino 100%
- Parker-Wine Advocate (2014) - 99/100