Wines with the highest certification of quality
and ageing

Bodegas Tradicion is the only winery in the Marco de Jerez region dedicated to the production of qualified and certified VOS (wines with a minimum of 20 years of ageing) and VORS (wines with a minimum of 30 years of ageing), the highest categories in terms of quality and ageing according to the Regulatory Council of the Jerez-Xérès-Sherry Denomination of Origin. Our strict and self-imposed ageing criteria exceed the rigorous maximum limits required by the Regulatory Council. The aim of this very limited production and marketing is to guarantee the purest wines, of an excellent certified quality, with a marked traditional style and which have the endorsement of many of the most important wine critics in the world.

All of this makes our wines and brandies unique and distinguished throughout the world, reflecting a solid history of many generations who have always cared for and supported sherry wine and kept its quality intact.

“The vintage is important, but what is absolutely critical takes place at the winery; in knowing how to keep the style of these wines and understanding their path."

A walk through the history of Spanish painting

The Bodegas Tradición art gallery is one of the best privately owned art collections in Andalusia and the only exhibition of its kind in Spain, integrated in a winery and under very specific exhibition criteria.  It was founded in 2005 by Joaquín Rivero, a true art scholar, following two premises: only paintings and only of Spanish origin. It houses more than three hundred pieces from between the 14th and 19th centuries that allow us to observe the evolution of techniques and styles during those six centuries, in which workshop painting, with numerous assistants, gave way to another in which the artist began to work individually, alone.

It includes masters such as Goya, Velázquez, Murillo and El Greco. A truly unique cultural experience.

A unique art collection
worth visiting

The Tradicion Experience includes access to the museum among other things. You will be able to contemplate our entire collection of paintings privately and in the comfort of a small group.

A unique historical archive...

It is the oldest existing archive on sherry wine and, therefore, the oldest in Spain dedicated to oenology.

Bodegas Tradición’s vocation in relation to the historical archive is the recovery, conservation, cataloguing and digitalisation of the documentation of Bodega CZ since its foundation in 1650. There is also the will to continue with the archive and to incorporate documents of interest generated during the first 25 years of Bodegas Tradición’s life.

The photographic archive

The photographic archive of Bodegas Tradición completes the more cultural side of the winery. It is made up of more than 30,000 images and documents dating back to 1860, reflecting aspects as varied as the winery’s work, bullfighting days or the city’s most typical festivals. Worth highlighting are the more than 16,000 images of everyday Jerez, with a unique chapter of weddings of the best families in the area, as well as a collection of landscapes of Spain. Bodegas Tradición is a dedicated promoter of these cultural spaces and products which, like its wines, “open the spirit” and prove the enormous importance of an industry, that of sherry, which in the mid-18th century accounted for 13% of the exports of the entire Spanish empire.